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Join the fun.......Tony's Net!.....Check it out!
2016-11-16 16:50
Registered: 12 years ago
Posts: 89
Tony's Net on HamSphere 3.0 - 17 meters

We want to welcome all users on HamSphere to join us Monday thru Friday at 19:00 hrs UTC to 21: 00 hrs UTC using HamSphere 3.0.

Turn your dial to 18.155 frequency on 17 meters and enjoy the fun.

Your host is: The Irish Legend himself....Tony Sweeney 29HS132.

This is a open forum and we would like your input on different topics to help make the this interesting and beneficial for all to enjoy and above all have fun....this is the people's net. Topics from questions about HS 3/4 to Tony's favorite subject - FOOD and everything in between and there will always be a wee bit of a laugh from the Irish Legend himself. Come check it out and have some fun.

What: Tony's Net
Who: Tony..The Irish Legend - 29HS132
When: Monday - Friday 19:00 hrs to 21:00 hrs UTC
Where: 18.155 freq. 17 meter band

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